It is that time of year where we dedicate a lot of time to talking about your pet’s dental health – why? Well..because it is National Pet Dental Health Month of course! Every February vets from all over the country are making teeth great again. Of course, we worry about your pet’s teeth year round, but dental health is so important that we like to celebrate it for an entire month!
You may be asking yourself..why do I have to brush my pet’s teeth? Then you may realize “Well hey, I have teeth and I have to brush those. If I don’t, I have rotten breath, and nobody will want to be around me”. Same goes for our pets. If your pet snuggles up with you and you catch a whiff of some stinky breath you may second guess receiving those wonderful doggy kisses.
If our pet’s mouths are not getting the proper care that they need it could turn into something more serious than just some stinky breath or tooth pain. Left untreated, periodontal disease increases your pet’s risk for heart, liver and kidney disease. The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats will have some sort of oral disease by the time they are 3 years old. The good news is that dental disease is preventable, just like in humans. Proper diet, brushing those teeth and scheduling routine professional dental cleanings are crucial for both our dogs and cats. Treat these teeth as if they were your own!


Call us if you notice the following signs:
- Bad Breath
- Loose or broken teeth and/or inflamed gums
- Refusing to let you examine their teeth
- Rubbing or pawing at face
- Excessive salivation
These are all signs that something could be brewing in that mouth and we need to see what needs to be done to get that fixed.
The AMAZING NEWS is that during the month of February we will be offering 10% OFF your pet’s dental cleaning. Call today to schedule your appointment! Spots are limited, and we want to make sure that everyone is able to take care of this awesome deal!
Don’t let your pet be self- conscious about their smile; we want them to show them off proudly!